Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Sexual Orientation And Its Definitions

Yesterday I wrote a post about the differences of pansexuality, bisexuality, omnisexuality and anthrosexuality. Looking over it now, I see its shorter then normal and wasn't very clear. Its cris-crossed and a little sloppy. This post is more an in dept look at sexuality and what they each mean to me, as a nineteen year old panromantic pansexual on Tumblr. 

To me, it seems, Tumblr is full of young heterosexual people who complain about everyone else' sexuality. How all these labels effect them, and how there is no need for them. Now not all heterosexuals are the same, some of my friends are straight and they have never once tried to remove my identity from me. However that does not change the fact that because of the monosexual and heterosexual bias forced onto us from a young age that anyone who is not monosexual will face discrimination on the internet. 

As a panromantic pansexual, there are too many myths and misconceptions that I must face whenever I log online. Having queer headcanons about characters who's never been confirmed as straight is considered propaganda and people are verbally attacked and called disgusting. In a world where there is no panromantic or pansexual characters in the media; how is it disgusting if I have a tendency to view characters of unconfirmed sexual orientation as either panromantic or pansexual or both? Heterosexual people feel they are entitled to view every character as heterosexual, in the depths of Tumblr there are even people who claim that Jack Harkness from 'Torchwood' is heterosexual, ignoring his sexual and romantic relationship with Ianto Jones completely. If it is okay for straight people to do so then why is it shameful or bad when queer people do so? 

Myths as a panromantic pansexual that effect me the most are
  • Pansexual is just another term for bisexual: No, while some do use the term interchangeably most do not. There is several differences with pansexuality and bisexuality, even with the overlap. No one accuses heterosexuality and homosexuality of being the same even though they overlap sometimes so why force that pansexuals are just bisexuals?
  • Pansexuals are just bisexuals looking for attention: Not only is this not true but only insulting and hurtful. No one is seeking attention, why would anyone want to have abuse hurled at them and discriminated against for attention? Pansexuals are born that way, simple as.
  • Pansexuals are biphobic to bisexuals: Of course you can be biphobic even if you are pansexual but do not sterotype all pansexuals as the same. More so identifying as pansexual does not make you biphobia. No one choices their sexuality, no one especially choices their sexuality out of discrimination. People are born pansexual. 
  • Pansexuality isn't real, it's a made up term: No one is pretending to be pansexual, that is ridiculous and harmful to spread around. Yes every word in the English language was made up at some point or another, however that does not equal that there is no such thing as pansexuality. People identity as pansexual because their sexual attraction and desire is regardless of gender. 
  • Pansexuals are just half out of the closet: I am not half gay, no one says they are pansexual and really mean I'm gay but not fully out of the closet yet. Dan Savage is a bigot and is causing harmful misconceptions about human beings and I really doubt he cares. While there is nothing wrong with homosexuality I am not attracted to just pangenders or people with vaginas. It would be wrong to call myself homosexual when I am not. I am not half closeted, I am fully open about my sexuality.
  • Pansexuals are transphobic: Yes it is possible to be transphobic and pansexual however pansexuality itself is not transphobic. Heterosexuals and homosexuals date transgender people and see them no different to cisgender as do bisexuals. Being pansexual does not neglect someone's gender identity, not in the slightest. Its just the sexual attraction and sexual desire regardless. Regardless does not mean gender is an important factor to live. A pansexual will still have a girlfriend, a boyfriend, a enbyfriend, gender just doesn't play a part in their sexual attraction and sexual desire.
  • Pansexual is another term for omnisexual: While the term can be used interchangeably for some pansexuals and omnisexuals, this is not the case for everyone. It's not okay to force on pansexuals or omnisexuals that they are the same thing because pan and omni translate to the same thing. Phobia translates to fear, however are queerphobics scared of queers or are they offensive jerks? Offensive jerks of course! In the English language, sometimes words do not translate correctly.
  • Pansexuals are attracted to pans: This is more an annoying joke then harmful but that does not mean its okay. Do not make pan jokes, especially using our flag. Objectphilla and pansexuality are not the same thing, and no pansexuals do not have sexual intercourse with pans.
  • Pansexuals are attracted to animals: To be a pansexual is not to be sexually deprived. Pansexuals are not sexually attracted to animals just because our attraction and desire is regardless of gender, we still see human beings. 
  • Pansexuals are the same as anthrosexuals: An anthrosexual and pansexual while overlap are not the same. There are many differences and I have never even heard the words used interchangeably with each other. Just because it is a different and new sexuality you have never heard of before in your narrow minded life does not mean it is okay to dub them as the same. Its disrespectful and removes people's identity.
There are many more misconceptions circling the dark place that is known as the internet, however these are the main ones which effect me. I have had accusations thrown at me and been treated like dirt all because I am of a different sexuality. 
  • Pansexual is not limited or inhibited in sexual choice with regard to gender or activity.
  • Omnisexual is involving, related to, or characterized by a diverse sexual propensity.
  • Bisexual is the sexual attraction to the same gender and other genders.
  • Anthrosexual is the sexual attraction to all humans regardless of gender.
I don't think I explained correctly before, I have ASD and even in words sometimes I fail to communicate what I want to say. Sexuality is more fluid these days and what was meant in the 19th century no longer applies today. You may look at these terms and feel that they are the same, even when they are not. However no matter what your feelings are it is not polite of you to complain about how someone chooses to identify nor is it anyone's place to dismiss someone's sexual orientation. We are all different and experience sexuality in a different way. To deny any one of these terms is to deny that someone doesn't exist or is "wrong" which is damaging and harmful in itself. We need to move past all this hate and learn to respect others no matter whom their sexual desire is for.

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