Friday, 4 April 2014

What Is Binary Bias?

I started this blog to talk about my self journey into embracing my pangender and pansexual self in all my beauty and glory. However this is a topic that will becoming up a lot so I wanted to spend some time talking about it. As a pangender one of my biggest struggles is facing the world that is "pink for girls, blue for boys." In other words a binary bias world. Calling out binary bias is by no means went to guilt cisgender or transgender people, nor is it meant to erase the struggles that a transgender person goes though in their everyday life. 

If you mix pink and blue together you get lilac but I see no "lilac is for pangenders". A cisgender or transgender person can be called a person, human, boy or girl. Boy or girl; there is no less scientific term for a pangender person. We must be pangender. Some people deny our gender exists because it does not conform with their binary and gender ideals that they have in place, no matter how wrong those ideas are. Its no one's fault that binary bias exists in our everyday speech but it can be a person's fault when they refuse to ignore or see a problem with binary bias. 

Gender bias is that every single title is split into "boy" or "girl". Gender bias is not having a suitable toilet to use. Gender bias is that some transgender people will accuse your gender as discrimination against them. Gender bias is not having to pick if you are the daughter or the son because no one wants to introduce their child. Gender bias is not worried you shouldn't have children because should they call you "Mam" or "Dad"? Gender bias is not being told repeatedly your gender doesn't exist. Gender bias is not having to always correct people about your gender. Gender bias is not having to always correct people on your preferred pronouns. Gender bias is not clicking on a website but their signup only includes "boy" and "girl". Gender bias is not being told to pick a gender even though as far as your concerned you have. Gender bias is not being mocked online. Gender bias is not having cisgender and transgender people think they know more about your gender then you do. Gender bias is not being told to get over it when people repeatedly misgender you on purpose. Gender bias is not having people feel they are entitled to cookies and praise whenever they use your correct pronouns. Gender bias is not having your friend ask if gender neutral pronouns are exotic names and then throwing a bad trantrum over the internet because you pointed out they're mistake. Gender bias is not having to worry if people will give you a gender based on your name. Gender bias is not being told you can't be a certain sexuality because of your gender. Gender bias is not dreading your birthday because every single card says "birthday girl" or "birthday boy" on it. Gender bias is people telling you to watch a show and shut up when you make non-binary headcanons and AUs or ask the producers if they could consider an non-binary character in future seasons.

The list is endless of everything that happens. I could go on and on and on. The point is that the word favours those on the gender binary. Some cisgender and transgender people do try and push away non-binary people, try to isolate us and make us non-existent. Almost every language in the word is gender geared. Take the English language for example, "King or Queen". England will always have a king or queen "ruling" the country but what if the next heir to the throne is not cisgender or transgender. What if a pangender person were too be next in line? What do we call them? Would they be forced to misgender themselves and be called a king or queen or could we create an gender neutral term? When we worship why do we worship only "God" or "Goddess".

Almost everything in our daily lives fulls under the binary. I am a Disney fan, I will admit it. I am not ashamed for liking Disney. One of my greatest passions is the Disney Princesses, the beautiful Princess lineup. With the two added new additions because Queen Elsa and Princess Anna from Disney's 'Frozen' which on a personal level I did love and enjoy greatly. However it brings me to one question. I can't be the princess because I'm not a girl, I can't be the prince because I'm not a boy, I can't be the heroine because I'm not a girl, I can't be the hero because I'm not a boy. I just wish there was more gender neutral options for non-binary people like me who feel so lost whenever they walk into a shop or watch a film. What am I?

Because of the binary bias cisgender and transgender people do not have to worry about this. Cisgender more so then transgender who do face prejudice of having the wrong gender forced on them based on biological sex. I just want to stop feeling abnormal because everything has to fall under the gender binary, if you are non-binary there is something wrong with you.

The binary bias is a needed topic when discussing pangender and other non-binary genders. A lot of the discrimination people will face is due to the binary bias. There is nothing wrong with being gender binary, I have a lot of friends who are, but there is also nothing wrong with being non-binary. The second part is often forgotten by most. I hope I can change that. I want to write my books and fill them with pangender, bigender, trigender, nongendered, genderless, neutrois, agender, genderfluid, third gender, and othergender characters. I want my books to become films and to see such beautiful non-binary characters brought to life would be amazing.

Binary bias means that sadly there are no pangender characters in the media just like there are no pansexual or panromantic characters in the media. The latter two being due to the monosexual bias. I feel like I am erased and that I am not interesting enough to be put on television or in novels. That is binary bias, and yes it is hurtful and harmful. Change will not happen by being cisphobic or transphobic, that is highly counterproductive. Change will happen when we open our minds, create our own non-binary characters, and educate others politely. 

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